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The NCLT Network

Networking Partners

NISE Nanoscale Informal Science Education
GNN Global Nanotechnology Network
NCN Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University  Nano Hub
RPI NSEC Directed Assembly of Nanostructures, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
CEMMS NSEC Nanoscale Chemical-Electrical-Mechanical Manufacturing Systems (Nano-CEMMS), UIUC

Teaching, Learning and Research Centers

NSF National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI)
MRSEC (Materials Research Science & Engineering Centers) University of Alabama Brown University
University of California at Santa Barbara California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Carnegie Mellon University University of Chicago
University of Colorado Columbia University
Cornell University Harvard University
John Hopkins University University of Maryland and Rutgers University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) University of Massachusetts Amherst
Michigan State University University of Minnesota
University of Nebraska Northwestern University
University of Arkansas and University of Oklahoma University of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania State University Princeton University
University of Southern Mississippi Stanford University, University of California Davis and Berkeley
State University of New York Stony Brook (Thermal Spray) State University of New York Stony Brook (Garcia Center)
University of Virginia University of Wisconsin-Madison
NSEC (Nanoscale Science & Engineering Centers) National Science Foundation (NSF)
Center for Scalable and Integrated NAno Manufacturing (SINAM), UCLA
Institute for Nanoscience, Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Electron Transport in Molecular Nanostructures, Columbia University
High Rate Nanomanufacturing, Nanomanufacturing Research Institute, Northeastern University Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology (CBEN), Rice University
Integrated Nanopatterning and Detection Technologies, Institute for Nanotechnology, Northwestern University Science of Nanoscale Systems and their Device Applications, Harvard, MIT, UC Santa Barbara & Museum of Science, Boston
Nanobiotechnology Center, Cornell University Albany Institute of Technology
Center for Nanoscale Systems, Cornell University California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI), UCLA and UCSB
University of South Carolina NanoCenter Nano Science and Technology, University of Notre Dame
NSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison Molecular Function at the Nano/Bio Interface, University of Pennsylvania
NIMD Projects NanoSense
Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL)
CLT (Centers for Learning and Teaching) Appalachian Collaborative Center for Learning, Assessment and Instruction in Mathematics (ACCLAIM), Universities of Louisville and Tennessee-Knoxville Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education (CAEE), University of Washington
Center for the Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning (CAESL), WestEd Center for Curriculum Materials in Science (CCMS), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Project 2061
Center for Informal Learning and Schools (CILS), The Exploratorium Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL), University of Wisconsin-Madison
St. Louis Center for Inquiry in Science Teaching and Learning (CISTL), Washington University in St. Louis Center for Teaching and Learning in the West (CLT-West), Montana State University
Center for Proficiency in Teaching Mathematics (CPTM), University of Georgia Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum (CSMC), University of Missouri
Diversity in Mathematics Education (DiME), University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Applications of Information Technology in the Teaching and Learning of Science (ITS), Texas A&M University
Mid-Atlantic Center for Mathematics Teaching and Learning (MAC-MTL), University of Maryland Center for Mathematics in America's Cities (MetroMath), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
National Center for Engineering and Technology Education (NCETE), Utah State and Brigham Young University Technology-Enhanced Learning in Science (TELS), University of California, Berkeley
Global Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE in the Urban Environment), UCLA Center for Technology in Learning, SRI International
Center for the Mathematics Education of Latinos/as (CEMELA), University of Arizona  
Institutions offering Ph.D. program in Nanotechnology Denmark Netherlands


  • SEMM (European School of Molecular Medicine, Ph.D. Program in Medical Nanotechnology)

United Kingdom

PDLC Purdue Discovery Learning Center
CCMS Center for Curriculum Materials in Science, Project 2061
MRI Materials Research Institute, Northwestern University
EVL Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago
MWM Materials World Modules, Northwestern University
ARC Department of Educational Studies Assessment Research Center (ARC), Purdue University
Last updated: May 15, 2007